A Dialogue with Wisdom By Kathy Duffy Tell me which way to fall When all comfort seems to withdraw. When dry leaves pile up at the door. Where daisies used to grow before. Give me direction, set my fate. In my disarray, I cannot wait. Subtle signs, they keep alluding me. I cannot trust, if…
By Janet Jackson, CRMT, Angel Practitioner By Janet M. Jackson, CRMT The words that come out of your mouth can actually change a person’s day (for better or worse). Even though we often don’t realize it, our words may be the only personal contact a person may have had with the outside world on a…
Charkras – Wheels of Life
By Kathy Duffy Historically, the identification of this energy began in Yogic tradition more than four thousand years ago. In Sanskrit, Chakra means “wheel” and it refers to both the shape, as in a chariot wheel, and to the symbolism of the wheel of time bringing celestial order and balance to the world. As a…
School Daze
House Calls By Amy Ross This is the time of year when there is more stuff and there are more papers coming into your home than you know what to do with! For those of you with school age children you are going school shopping for new clothes to replace the “old” or things they…
“Hey Fever” Season
House Calls By Amy Ross It’s that time again! The joys of summer vacation: the sun is warm, the grass is green, the flowers are in full bloom and the kids are out of school. Its also the start of “Hey Fever Season”. As soon as the weather starts to get warmer and the days…
Losing the Excess!
House Calls By Amy Ross The holiday season is behind us and Spring is on its way. Look around … Is your home feeling tired, overweight, & moody? House Calls is here to help you with diagnosing household ailments. We will chart out the best course of action, with the right dose of accessories, to…
In Honor of Mothers Day… Things your “Pack Rat” Mother Never Told you
House Calls By Amy Ross Don’t finish that plate, the children in China aren’t really starving. Just throw away those twist ties- I get a new one every time I buy bread! Unless I am building a solar panel outside – I do not need those extra scraps of aluminum foil. Don’t wash that Styrofoam…
There ARE Angels Among Us
By Janet Jackson, RMT, Angel Practitioner Everyone can benefit from working with angels to help our lives run more smoothly. We all have “bumps” in the road that can make us feel lost or out of balance. Angels can help us, not only when we are in a crisis, but every day – in every…
So What is EFT
By Dennis Sulava The Emotional Freedom Technique is an energy healing modality with the potential for helping to repair many different disturbances in our energy system which surface as emotional and physical pain. Gary Craig from California is the developer of this technique which incorporates the understanding that we are energy beings. His premise is…
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