Live Your Best Life By Linda R. Harkcom, Certified Comprehensive Coach and Certified Personal Coach Trainer™ Anyone who is or has been married knows that it is not all hearts and flowers. Instead marriage is about two people that love one another, committing to walking hand in hand through the journey that is life. On…
Tag: Linda Harkcom
A Lifestyle Choice
By Linda Harkcom, Certified Comprehensive Coach Whether you believe in a higher power that guides us, that our destiny is written in the stars or that our lives our total free will without any predetermination or help one thing is for sure, how we choose to live is up to us. Yes how we live…
Living Life in the Present
By Linda Harkcom, Certified Comprehensive Coach In our jammed packed 21 century lives it seems like all we ever get done is rushing around. From the time we get up in the morning, we rush to get ready, get the kids off to school and get our work done. Right up until the end of…
Caring for Self
Learning the Hard Way By Linda R. Harkcom, Certified Comprehensive Coach and Certified Personal Coach Trainer™ If you have been to our site before, you will notice Your Body, Mind and Spirit has a new look and for the first time in several years, we have added new content. While I wanted to be able…
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